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Coombe Menopause Clinic
South West London

in person or nationwide remote consultation

The Groves Private Practice, 

171 Clarence Avenue, 

New Malden, 




Your first consultation lasts around 45 minutes, I will ask you about your health, your menopause experience and allow you time to explain your needs. You can ask me lots of questions and together we will make a plan to move forward.I can assess for suitablity for HRT and for other treatments.I can help you work out if what you are exoeriencing is actually menopause related. Subsequent consultations are tailored to what you need. Physical examinations other than weight, height and blood pressure are not usually needed but can be arranged. Blood tests including WellWoman checks and hormone profiles can be done on the day if you wish (prices on request)


HRT Check ups

If you are already on HRT and want a check up, this is an opportunity to discuss latest research, find out if you are still on the most appropriate therapy and manage side effects. I can discuss coming off HRT, when and how best to do it.


 Post Menopausal Bleeding (PMB)

If you experience bleeding (even spotting) after one year without natural periods, this is called PMB. PMB should be investigated promptly by ultrasound and/or hysteroscopy. I do not have these facilities; so recommend that in the first instance you see a GP or Gynaecologist. Once bleeding is resolved, I can give you further menopause advice



 As a prescriber, I can offer HRT and non-hormonal therapies. Prescriptions, if you choose them, will be private.  With your permission, I will write to your General Practitioner to outline our discussions so that you can discuss further with him/her.



 Consultation fee - £195.  Payment may be made on the day by credit/debit card or by invoice afterwards..



Video consults available: most women choose the first appointment in clinic; it is your choice



Registered with the Care Quality Commission(CQC)


© 2025 by Kathy Abernethy. All rights reserved. By Post: PO Box 451, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 9BY

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